Simplified Pricing Scale

Our agency pricing is based on a flat rate for the total amount of the advertising spend we manage for you each month. Facebook & Instagram Ads. 


Your total ad spend is between
15,000 – 34,999 each month

15% Agency Rate

$0 Set Up Fee (Value 500€)
Full Pixel Audit
One Certified Account Manager
Weekly Reporting
Graphic Design Edits
One Video Per Month

Get Started > 2250€ + VAT


Your total ad spend is between
35,000 – 99,999 each month

10% Agency Rate

$0 Set Up Fee (Value 500€)
Full Pixel Audit
One Certified Account Manager
Daily Reporting
8 Graphic Design Edits
Two Videos Per Month

Get Started > 3500€ + VAT


Your total ad spend is between
100,000 – 250,000 each month

5% Agency Rate

$0 Set Up Fee (Value 500€)
Full Pixel Audit
Two Certified Account Managers
Daily Reporting
Unlimited Graphic Design Edits
Four Videos Per Month

Get Started > 5000€ + VAT

Simplified Pricing Starter


Your total ad spend is between
0 – 15,000 each month

18% Agency Rate

0€ Set Up Fee (Value 500€)
FREE Full Pixel Audit
One Certified Account Manager
Monthly Reporting

Get Started > 1350€ + VAT

For any other inquiries please book a strategy call

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